Péter Kaderják has a long-standing academic and decision-making experience in the fields of energy sector regulation and energy- and climate policy. Currently, he is Head of Zero Carbon Hub at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the Executive of the Hungarian Battery Alliance (HUBA). Formerly he served in several high-level government and regulatory positions: as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Policy at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Hungary; as a member of the Supervisory Board of ACER; as President of the Hungarian Energy Office; and as Chief of Cabinet for the Minister of Economic Affairs, Hungary. His academic contribution is linked primarily to the Corvinus University of Budapest, where he received his degrees and established and directed between 2004 and 2018 REKK (Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research). His past and current activities are strongly linked to the liberalization and European integration of the Hungarian electricity and natural gas sectors; the successful diversification of the Hungarian natural gas sector; and the creation of national strategies to meet climate neutrality by Hungary by 2050.