Petr Dolejsi was born in 1977 in Prague. He has graduated PhD. in Economics and Social policy at the University of Economics in Prague, following the Masters´ degree in Economics and Reginal policy. He also passed several courses and stages, including scholarhip at the Universite Cathollique du Louvain in Belgium.
He has started his career within the public services on different posts, leaving the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic at the Head of Unit post to the Permanent representation in Brussels in 2004. He became member of the Presidency team in 2009 chairing the Competitiveness and Growth working party of the Council. In 2010 he joined ACEA and became a Director for Mobility and Sustainable transport, with a specific focus on CO2 policy, industrial policy and alternative powertrains. As from March 2022, he is also acting as a Vice-President of the Automotive Skills Alliance.