Andrea D’Alessandro

Managing Director, Head of International and Multinational Corporate Costumers, UniCredit Bank Hungary

Born in Naples in 1978, graduated in Economics by Federico II University, finalized his specialized studies first with a Corporate Banking Master in SDA Bocconi and later with an additional specialistic PhD in New Banking & Entrepreneurship with Udine Faculty and Cassamarca foundation.
After several working experience both in consulting and accounting, he started in 2003 his career within UniCredit Group in the newly Corporate Bank in different commercial oriented roles in various Italian regions. After 7 years started an international path which bring him first in Wien in CEE Division covering role of Country Manager for 4 banks of the Group (such as Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Romania). Later he took over the International Corporate client’s coverage for the Romanian subsidiary before moving, in 2019, in Hungary where is currently Managing Director – Head of International & Multinational Corporate customers and member of Extended Management Board of the local bank.
He covered also the role of Italian desk deals coordinator in CEE Division for all outbound Italian business in Central Eastern Europe and he was active board member for more than 3 years of Italian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce. Besides Italian, he is fluent in English and French.

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