Szabolcs Balogh is a physicist-engineer and biomedical engineer, but business development, financing planning, and energy trading are also part of his diverse portfolio. Currently he is the Managing Director of MVM Mobiliti Kft. and as head of the e-mobility business unit he is responsible for the successful operation of the e-mobility business unit in the MVM Group. He performs Managing Director tasks in the subsidiaries of MVM Mobiliti Kft. – in e-Mobi Nonprofit Kft. and Mobiliti Volánbusz Kft.
He holds an MBA from Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, and worked on telecommunications projects at Ericsson in the late 1990s. As a consultant for CEMEX, a major company in the cement industry, he travelled to the US, Latin America, and EMEA regions, so he could watch the company grow to a global scale. From there, he moved into the energy business, and in 2008, he worked for the Prague Energy Exchange. At the end of the decade, he published a study on “Electricity trading presented in an understandable way”. He was the Head of Trading at MOL-CEZ European Power Hungary, from where he became a senior expert at MVM and then at National Utilities. He demonstrated active social commitment by establishing “Q.E.D. Bajzások a Bajzásokért”, a foundation for talent development.
In 2019, he was awarded the Hungarian Cross of Merit in Bronze for his achievements in building up and operating the electromobility line of business of NKM Mobilitás Ltd.